Saturday, July 21, 2012

Getting the Ball Rolling

I am at an exciting juncture in this fun(d)raising scheme. Last week I completed the nine day Otesha "Pedal to Plate" tour around eastern Ontario. (Yes, that is me pitching hay in one of the videos.)  I learned so much about local food. I spent more time on a farm in those nine days than I had ever before in my almost sixty one years of existence. I am one of those born and raised urban dwellers who has for a lifetime believed, (and inaccurately so as explained to me by Derrick Jensen), that our food comes from a supermarket. I have an entirely different respect now regarding agriculture, having experienced first hand how much work is involved.

On this tour I took the opportunity to talk up my fun(d)raising idea and two people each committed to contributing a nickel per kilometer that I pedal toward the Andrew Wolf Memorial Bursary Fund. Andrew was tragically killed in a traffic accident during the Otesha 2010 Highlands and Islands Tour.  His family subsequently initiated a bursary in his name in order to make Otesha programs more accessible.  Another person has committed to volunteering time one day a week to use his bicycle to deliver Meals on Wheels for every week I cycle. How cool is that for a start to the campaign?!?  I complete the trip, and over three hundred dollars is given to a good cause & at least ten meals are delivered to someone who needs nourishment.

If you have a cause you want me to ride for, leave a comment & I will promote it on the blog. If you wish to remain anonymous, send me an email - leonardpoole AT gmail DOT com

As they say at Otesha - Peace and Bike Grease!

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